I write nonfiction books, longform narratives, podcasts, and the free monthly Damn History newsletter for writers and readers of popular history. I cover history, medicine, science, crime, and anything else that intrigues me – and that I hope will intrigue you.

My published books include The Lost Brothers, The Nazi and the Psychiatrist, Non-Stop: A Turbulent History of Northwest Airlines, and The Lobotomist: A Maverick Medical Genius and His Tragic Quest to Rid the World of Mental Illness. My articles have appeared in SmithsonianThe Atlantic, GQ, Wired, Scientific American Mind, Topic, Longreads, The Washington Post Magazine, and many other publications.

My forthcoming books are Face in the Mirror: A Surgeon, a Patient, and the Remarkable Story of the First Face Transplant at Mayo Clinic (available May 20, 2025; Mayo Clinic Press) and The Case of the Autographed Corpse: A Medicine Man and a Mystery Writer in Pursuit of Justice (2026; Pegasus Publishers).

The Nazi and the Psychiatrist is one of several of my nonfiction stories that have been adapted for the screen, stage, and podcasts. It will appear in theaters during 2025 as Nuremberg, a feature film directed by James Vanderbilt and starring Rami Malek and Russell Crowe. I have enjoyed the adventure of seeing my book's adaptation to the screen.

I frequently give talks and lead workshops on the topics of my books as well as on the craft of nonfiction writing. Please contact Jayme Boucher, Hachette Speakers Bureau, at Jayme.Boucher@hbgusa.com to book me for your event.

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The Lost Brothers

The dread, the drama, and the hope of a break in one of the country’s oldest active missing-child investigations

This is the story of one of the oldest known active missing-child investigations: the 1951 disappearance of the three Klein brothers in Minneapolis. An intimate portrait of a parent’s worst nightmare and its terrible toll on a family, the book is also a genuine mystery, spinning out suspense at every missed turn or potential lead, along with its hope for resolution.

Listen to Jack's interview about the book with the Garage Logic podcast. Or read about the book's background in an article written by Curt Brown of the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Order The Lost Brothers

Damn History

Subscribe here to Jack’s Damn History newsletter, which covers what's new and great in the writing and reading of popular history.

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Articles & Essays

Jack El-Hai has written more than 500 articles and essays for SmithsonianThe Atlantic, Scientific American Mind, Wired, American Heritage, The History Channel Magazine, The Washington Post Magazine, Minnesota Monthly, and many other publications.

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Blog Posts

They’re trying to turn me into a novelist!

I’ll have a new book coming out a year from now. Titled Face in the Mirror: A Surgeon, a Patient, and a Second Chance at Life, it tells the story...
Read More about They’re trying to turn me into a novelist!

Origins: How I wrote about three nudist sisters

Denise, Juliette, and Nanette (photo courtesy of Juliette) How I discovered, wrote, and sold a strikingly distinctive magazine article to The Atlantic In 2018, I published an article in The Atlantic about three middle-aged sisters,...
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Origins: Three Nudist Sisters

How I discovered, wrote, and sold a strikingly distinctive magazine article to The Atlantic Denise, Juliette, and Nanette (photo courtesy of Juliette) In 2018, I published an article in The Atlantic about three middle-aged sisters,...
Read More about Origins: Three Nudist Sisters

Resolutions for journalists and everyone else

In 1955, TV newsman Chet Huntley was worried about the state of journalism. He decided to try to change his own behavior. We can adapt his resolutions to change ours....
Read More about Resolutions for journalists and everyone else